It’s Spring and That Means SQUIRREL SEASON!



Issue 9

Hello friends, both human and fuzzy!

As usual, I have been at my guarding locations. Them bushy-tailed fiends started roaming all over my yard, flicking their tails, and climbing my trees. I can only bark my warnings and frustration. Daddy needs to make me a fence. Right now would be good. I must protect Mama from the squirrels, she doesn’t know the evil that lies within.

I was laying on the back of the couch-sofa thing today and a brave Squirrel Rodentia walked up close to the house, like two feet away! And the whole rest of the day them squirrels were in the front and back yard. I ran back and forth checking the front yard, then the back yard.

I hope everyone has had a good first part of the year. Mama is doing something called Camp NaNoWriMo. I think she WriMo’s three or four times a year. My job is to make her take a break and walk me, play with me, and pet me. These things make her happy.

In one of my earlier Chewspaper issues, I said I was mad because I couldn’t go to Doggie Day Camp. Last year I was able to return and I was a very happy terrier. I missed it so much! The picture was taken at the end of March 2022 at Doggie Day Camp. Mama says I am a handsome Cairn terrier.


Smudge Alpin MacRuff March 2022

We have good neighbors. One neighbor has chickens, ducks, turkeys, and a goose.. The turkeys and chickens have come close enough for me to sniff a little bit. Not sure what to make of them.

Mama had a hand puppet made that looks like me! She wants to learn how to use it so she can tell stories to little kids. I like kids, too. Let me show you the puppet Debra Clewer made! See! Ms. Debra even remembered my tail!

Smudge Puppet (front)
Smudge Puppet (side view)

Please, be kind to one another and help pets in need if you can. Everybody needs to love and be loved.

Until the next issue of News From the Chewspaper, hugs and doggy kisses!

Love to all, Smudge Alpin MacRuff

Dem Evil Squirrels in my Yard


February 6, 2021

February is the month of dat big, big rodent, Pupsatawny Phil, a groundhog. He not look anything like a hog to me, more like a beaver because he has big teeth and claws. I never have seen one in my yard but Daddy says there is a place near by dat has them little prairie dogs. Mama says not look like canines but they make a barking sound. Dis puppy thinks that sounds confusing, I want to see them. Can I go and see these prairie dogs. NO. Not fair at all.


Just look at the next picture. The bane of a terrier’s existence. Squirrels. Squirrels are evil. See, it has beady little eyes! Dat smart-alecky, flippity bushy tail! Look hard at that face. Can you see it? Squirrels. Are. EEEEEvvvvvilll. I am right. They need a good chasing around my property.

Mama take this picture of a squirrel at the Grand Canyon.

They flick their floofy tails and tease me. That is not very nice. I can only holler at them from the sofa. They sashay to and fro, and say, “You can’t get us, Smudge. Ha! Ha! Ha!” It is a challenge and I accept! For all terrier kind, I will git you.

Mama and Daddy keep me on a leash so I can’t teach dem evil critters a lesson. At the very least they could play chase wif me. What do you pups and kitties think? What evil critters are in your life and what do you do? Smudgie wants to know.

Hugs and puppy kisses to all ( except the rodentia),


Dog print

What’s in my yard?

July 20, 2020

I looked out the window and three varmints was in my yard. At the same time! First was the bane of my doggy existence: a squirrel. The nerve! He was flicking around dat bushy tail and watching me wif his little eyes.

I just wanna chase the bunnies, not hurt them. I barks at the egrets. Mama tells me the bunnies and egrets are good, so why are they in my yard? What was I to do wif so many varmints in my front yard? I was in the house. All I could do was watch and bark.

Dis is my backyard. No fence so I always go out on a leash.

Our next door neighbor has cows and horses. I like them. Sometimes I do sniffy noses wif them through the fence. I also have a kitty friend that lives down the street. I have lots of friends and always want to make more.